OPEXEngine for Investors

Benchmark Your Portfolio Performance From Inside And Out

Data and analysis built for operating partners and deal teams.


A standardized process for data collection and management

Collect company performance data with a standardized methodology, keeping metric definitions consistent with GAAP and SaaS industry best practices.

Your portfolio report card

Experience off-the-shelf portfolio management and establish the framework for value creation. See your portfolio performance at a glance, benchmark with precision against the industry’s largest database, and click down into detail where it counts.

The industry’s only validated SaaS Benchmark Database

Uncover insights you can trust, with data validated by our team of financial analysts.

Grow your portfolio value and support your investment
decisions during diligence.


Increase in valuation*


Increase in EBITDA*


financial, operational, and commercial metrics

*Measured from customer companies who benchmarked with OPEXEngine for 3+ years.

“OPEXEngine’s extensive SaaS database of key metrics and
benchmarking platform has proven to be extremely helpful in our due diligence process and our portfolio analysis. We recommend them to SaaS companies and investors.”

Alkarim Jivraj

CEO, Espresso Capital

Contact us to see what great looks like.

Get started with a trial performance benchmarking for a portfolio company.

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